Lenhardt Area with Elli, David, and Nigel
Nigel’s friend Elli was visiting Portland from Germany and we decided to give her an awesome experience to take back with her. Because of the clouds in the area and limited amount of time, we decided to stick around the Portland area and go fly into Lenhardt Airpark (a small airport with a grass field). We flew the north bank transition over PDX, then around downtown before heading south and landing at Lenhardt. After that we flew around a bit more before making our way landing into Troutdale.
Some Vids:
Training Elli To Fly Landing At Troutdale Some Pics:
Here’s the track of the flight:
Created by Google My Tracks on Android
Name: Elli, David and Nigel Lenhardt
Activity type: airplane travel
Description: –
Total distance: 164.55 km (102.2 mi)
Total time: 1:13:03
Moving time: 1:03:04
Average speed: 135.15 km/h (84.0 mi/h)
Average moving speed: 156.52 km/h (97.3 mi/h)
Max speed: 246.39 km/h (153.1 mi/h)
Average pace: 0:27 min/km (0:43 min/mi)
Average moving pace: 0:23 min/km (0:37 min/mi)
Fastest pace: 0:15 min/km (0:24 min/mi)
Max elevation: 1027 m (3370 ft)
Min elevation: -28 m (-92 ft)
Elevation gain: 3261 m (10700 ft)
Max grade: 26 %
Min grade: -15 %
Recorded: 9/27/2015 8:30 AMRelated
September 27, 2015 / Jason / Comments Off on Lenhardt Area with Elli, David, and Nigel
Categories: Flights
Tags: Cessna 172, flying, K7S9, KTTD, N5201H, Training, VFR, Video
Nehalem Bay State Park with Chase and Larry Year One As A Licensed Private Pilot
- Total Flight Time: 318.5 Hours
- Pilot In Command Time: 224.7 Hours
- Solo Time: 300.6 Hours
- >50NM Cross Country Time: 95.2 Hours
- >50NM Cross Country Time (Solo): 62.5 Hours
- Night Time: 8.5 Hours
- Simulated Instrument Time: 4.8 Hours
- Landings (Day/Night): 617 (593/24)
- Flight Training Received: 92.8 Hours
- Ground Training Received: 30.8 Hours
Updated 5/2/2019
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